
Haywick is a wonderful tale of love and loss, dreams and desire. As the lives of the characters unfold, they interweave to form a rich tapestry, as tangible as the backdrop of rural Suffolk, with nature and farming never far away.

New Beginnings

The year is nineteen fifty-seven and a group of friends leave the Haywick Secondary Modern School to begin the next phase of their lives.

There is no shortage of employment and after a brief holiday they begin the treadmill of work.

The hours are long and the pay poor, but it is an exciting time for them. The Rock 'n' Roll music is thrilling. They are dubbed teenagers and must act accordingly. With hormones flowing freely, romance is high on their agendas.

The previous generation still feel the repercussions of the turbulent war years. They are haunted by tragedy and loss and hide the secrets they would rather not disclose.

Love Lost and Found

Time has moved on for the folk of Haywick. Hearts have been broken and mended and lessons learned. And just as Annie Pike predicted, skeletons have fallen out of cupboards with unpleasant consequences.

Sunlight and Shade

Changes have come rapidly to the small Suffolk town of Haywick during the first half if the nineteen sixties. The population had grown considerable with the building of the Brook Lane Estate and another fifty homes built on the Redfield Road. There were more cars on the road and fewer bicycles. Several of the small shops had been unable to compete when Munfords Mini Supermarket opened the Co-op store had to cut its prices or lose trade. The farms, lanes and woods remained the same although some doubted it would be for much longer. The busy world was waiting, eager to grasp and destroy.

But the folk of Haywick are mostly unchanged. There is conflict, losses and heartache but good fortune too, and as Edwin Dawson says "Sunlight and Shade is the lot of most people and that is the way it will always be".

A Time to Forgive

Over twenty years have passed since a group of friends left Haywick Secondary Modern School. They remember how they were at that age and watch their children with anxious eyes.

But, have they really left those reckless teen years behind?

The boys all embark on a wild rural pub crawl, Laura behaves shamelessly at Deborah's party and will Terry ever be able to resist temptation?